Going and Returning, Receiving and Giving

for Linsey Dieckmeyer


Richard Alpert went to India.
He entered a whole other world.
Grace came knocking at the door,
And was looking for Richard.
Neem Karoli Baba met him face to face.
He was welcomed by a community
Devoted to sadhana.
He was given the key:
Love means be here now,
In calm and in storm.
He returned to America to share the wealth.
How does Ram Dass smile like that?


Ram Dass Linsey










Mev Puleo went to Brazil.
She entered a whole other world.
Heartache came knocking at the door,
And was looking for Mev.
Maria Goreth and Toinha met Mev face to face.
She was welcomed by a community
Committed to struggle.
She was given a key:
Love means solidarity,
In weakness and in strength.
She returned to America to share the wealth.
How did Mev Puleo smile like that?

Mev smiling Linsey


You went to South Grand.
You entered a whole other world.
Truth came knocking at the door,
and was looking for you.
Januka, her children, and their Nepalese family met you face to face.
You’ve been welcomed by a community
Intent on survival.
You’ve been given a key:
Love means accompaniment,
At sunrise and at sunset.
You return to SLU to share the wealth.
May more of us smile like you….

Linsey smiling


Ram Dass, Miracle of Love: Stories about Neem Karoli Baba
Ram Dass, Be Here Now
Mev Puleo, The Struggle is One: Voices and Visions of Liberation
Mark Chmiel, The Book of Mev

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