Remembering Mev

Last week anticipating giving a talk on Mev at her alma mater Visitation Academy, I inquired on Facebook if anyone from her Viz days had recollections about her. Stephanie Ortbals-Tibbs offered the following… I still…

Let’s Get This Straight…

I don’t take refugeIn the Democratic PartyThe Republican PartyOr this Friday night’s party I take refugeIn the Buddha who just turned 70The Dharma of InterbeingAnd the Sangha out in Fenton


Life would be much more exciting if each of us left a trail of “little sparks of appreciation” along our way.–David Dunn, Try Giving Yourself Away In August of 2021 I finished my fifth major…

Chris Wallach

Some people are able to focus, laser-like, on one thing—athletes, musicians, scientists. For Chris Wallach, it’s mindfulness. It’s a gift. It’s a talent she’s deliberately cultivated over the last many years. It’s a whole set…