Going for Broke

I had been pushed as far as I could stand to be pushed and decided that I would have to know once and for all what rights I had as a human being and a…

The Roles That Made It Possible

Neither superhuman nor subhuman Neither God Nor animal Nor monster. But always simply Additional kinds of humans: The bomb droppers The capo The body burners The throat slashers The exterminators in the forest The scalpers…

Then and Now

Why had I never noticed the number of sick who appear in the Gospels? Who or what made them sick? Political oppression, legal degradation, economic plunder, and religious neutrality …. Extreme misery prevailed within this…

Consider the Source

The Pentagon will gladly supply, on request, such information as the quantity of ordnance expended in Vietnam. From 1965 through 1969 this amounts to about 4.5 million tons by aerial bombardment. This is nine times…

Everyone Just as Precious

In the days ahead, everyone who loves this country enough to change it will have many opportunities both to reflect on and to practice the radical revolution in values that [Martin Luther] King projected and…