Texting My Best Friend in Louisville
I: You attained full enlightenment yet? She: Yesterday morning.
I: You attained full enlightenment yet? She: Yesterday morning.
Please remember Victor Jara, In the Santiago Stadium, Es verdad – those Washington Bullets again —The Clash Washington Bullets (We’re still making the world safe for democracy) Washington Little Boy and Fat Man (We stand…
One Bella Levenshteyn Eight hundred and seventy-five miles away Walking in Washington Square Park Remembers how we once walked and talked (How avidly, I might add, or exuberantly calmly We shmoozed and strolled) And in…
Bella Levenshteyn MJ O’Hare shared the following with me Somebody in her Memphis sangha shared it with her When you were on your Yankev Glatshteyn binge You were a model to me of concentration May…
Dear Bella So after my article on Agent Orange Day Was published in the campus newspaper Professor Lang Came up to me at Fatemeh’s Cafe and said “Why do you only talk about How the…
Being privy To the universe In which you orbit Like Hale-Bopp Has been the joy of my life And the awe for my eyes Ever since You were 23
Let the Dow Jones drop 1000 points Let the Cubs lose ten games in a row Let the recession forecasts prove gloomier than expected Let my boss complain that I’m not rigorous enough in my…
“… Now you surely have heard a lot From this year’s 4th years About how hard surgery is Allowing for some slight narrative variation due to personality quirks They told you the truth: You are…
Dear Shimmelstoy After our conversation yesterday afternoon I wrote the following lines Thanks for your encouragement If you want to pass it on To some of your students Go right ahead Bella Levenshteyn He…
For All Allen Ginsbergs Everywhere Oh Bodhisattva I’m a slacker Ach Bodhisattva My mind sometimes is so many-pointed Dear Bodhisattva I’ve grown weary of always having an angle Woe is me Bodhisattva My middle name…