McNamara and Co./1
In his 1995 book, In Retrospect Former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara [translation: former Secretary of Aggression) Made an apology to the American public For the harms brought to the country Because of his unwillingness…
In his 1995 book, In Retrospect Former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara [translation: former Secretary of Aggression) Made an apology to the American public For the harms brought to the country Because of his unwillingness…
I receive regular emails from Ralph Nader, and want to share today’s correspondence. He’s been fighting injustice and serving as a consumer advocate in this country for over fifty years. Even for a…
The following comes from a 1990 discussion among U.S. and Canadian activists with Noam Chomsky. It may provide food for thought given the current focus on Cuba after the death of Fidel Castro. Look, the…
Noam Chomsky, Turning the Tide: U.S. Intervention in Central America& the Struggle for Peace, South End Press, 1985 The real victims of “America’s agony” are millions of suffering and tormented people throughout much of the Third…
Take a look at this morning’s New York Times (I had fifty cents to kill, so I bought a copy). There’s story about Israel, John Kifner, a pretty good reporter, is reporting about attitudes in…
right there on my dad’s nightstand sat Kissinger’s latest World Order i opened it to snidbits of michiko kakutani’s review illuminating a powerful zoom lens a panoramic appreciation of history i flipped to the index…
Obama challenged Raúl Castro on Cuba’s human rights record And though Fidel is renowned for his loquacity, Raúl himself could have gone on for hours to Obama— Elaborating on the fact of a million U.S….
Monday 29 June 2015 Dear Isabel Glad you had friends visiting over the weekend and that you now have a little more space for your daily practices and chill time/spaces. Page 11, paragraph 1 Don…
Dear Kelley, I’m delighted that you inquired about where to start with reading Noam Chomsky. I look forward to discussing Hegemony or Survival with you in a couple of weeks. Back in 1986—those horrid years…
This short review was originally published in the bulletin of the Center for Ethics and Social Policy in Berkeley, April 1993. My book, Elie Wiesel and the Politics of Moral Leadership, was published in spring 2001….