He was an extremely smart and humble guy
In the same class as my older brother and cousins
He went to the University of Chicago
Dropped out after a semester
He then made his way to the East Coast
Joined a radical community there
The focus of the community
Was to help the homeless
Offering hospitality
Protesting city policy
Engaging in civil disobedience
Serving up soup
The work never stopped
You just kept going
As the weeks went by
He became more and more despondent
Shutting down
Barely coming out of his room
No one even noticed his absence
No one checked in on him
In the dead of winter
He realized this wasn’t the place for him
He managed to get out of the room
Find the charismatic leader of the community
Told him that it wasn’t working out
And he’d be leaving soon
The leader stared at him
“Fine, go ahead and leave
But tonight when someone freezes to death on the street
It will be on your conscience, not mine”
The leader walked away
The young man walked away
Years later the young man became a doctor
Years later the charismatic leader killed himself
Mark, I am both the young man and the charismatic leader…and as grow up I find myself more and more like the young men….but it’s all a matter of choice, isn’t it? and choices change daily.