Stealing History

When the Israeli Army invaded West Beirut in September 1982 Israeli troops entered the Palestine Research Center Defaced its interior Carried away its entire library Consisting of 25,000 Hebrew, Arabic and English works On the…

In a Parallel Universe/1

Avigdor Lieberman said that the Baptist minister should be deported Thus Dr. Martin Luther King retorted: Injustice anywhere in the West Bank Is a threat to justice everywhere

From Russia with Love (A Day in the Life)

Two days ago at the Huwwara Checkpoint Two Palestinians, Ahmed Saleem and Michael Sabeh, And a Russian supporter, Al Karamazov, Were brutally beaten for refusing the orders Of the IDF soldiers in the area The…

You and Monseñor

You and Monseñor are alike in two obvious respects To me anyway You both have expansive hearts for the people You may say “But you know many people with big hearts” That’s true But the…

The Way It Looked in 2002

Sure he was obedient to orders But he went beyond mere duty The IDF soldier was all revved up With not a second to waste To do what needed to be done And to do…

Off You Go

You’re about to begin another adventure And will likely discover How rich you are And how poor you are How much you want to share And how much you need to lose You’ll realize all…

Jesus Wept

While on his travels Jesus passed by a rotting skull He commanded it to speak The skull said “Spirit of God My name is Balwan ibn Hafs King of Yemen I lived a thousand years…