Words Matter

Dear Bella Some liberal Zionists in the US Are willing to concede (Generously, they believe) That the settlements ae a “problem” But according to international law The settlements aren’t a problem They’re a crime Perry

 Fullness and Emptiness/2

Before Carla’s presentation at the Peace Center Henry reminisced with me as we both ate tabouli and fries pitas “The first time I went to Guatemala I was there for a couple of weeks When…

Getting Free

I randomly picked up a book of interviews with Noam Chomsky off my shelf, and turned to a random page therein and found this, from 1983– There are a vast number of people who are…

Email from Jaime in El Salvador

I have an internship in El Salvador this summer and was visiting the Casa during the beatification of Romero. The house was full of The Struggle is One books and I met a Nicaraguan volunteer…

The Essential Allen Ginsberg: Cafe Ventana Reading Group

“It occurs to me that I am America” –Allen Ginsberg, America Beat poet, antiwar activist, gay liberationist, free speech devotee, “First Thought, Best Thought” advocate, and cheerful Buddhist, Allen Ginsberg  has been a major influence on U.S. counterculture…