How Father Ignacio Ellacuría Saw Us

In regard to the ideal of the dominant old human being in the so-called North Atlantic and Western Christian civilization, certain features have to be rejected. These include its radical insecurity which leads it to…

The Way It Didn’t Turn Out

When the Roman pontiff Stood at the Bethlehem Wall All he had to do was summon The courage and compassion To afflict the comfortable And comfort the afflicted And say “Palestine must be free”

Share the Wealth: Rim to Rim to Rim

This Sunday Mark Cross and  Taggart Long will share their peak experiences from last September doing a run/walk from the South rim of the Grand Canyon to the North rim and then back to the…

So You Went Out on a Date and …

He didn’t ask you to recite one of your favorite poems? She shakes her head He didn’t ask you to recite one of your own poems? “Nope” Didn’t he Google you, come across your blog?…

Share the Wealth: L’Arche St. Louis

From our friend Justin Lorenz: Founded by Jean Vanier in France in 1964, L’Arche (French for “the Ark”) communities bear witness to the reality that persons with intellectual disabilities possess inherent qualities of welcome, wonderment, spirituality, and…

The Moon Cannot Be Stolen

Ryokan, a Zen master, lived the simplest kind of life in a little hut at the foot of a mountain. One evening a thief visited the hut only to discover there was nothing in it…