Your Multitudes Don’t Freak Me Out

You told me everything Bella Levenshteyn So I’ll tell you: I am full of wonder Love and gratitude For your multitudinous yous Your charming you Your depraved you You back against the wall you Your…

On Writing with You

Dear Bella Levenshteyn As I continue going through my basement piles and stacks I came across the following Which fell out of a file I hadn’t looked through In many years Seems even back in…

How To Replace Your Smart Phone

One morning at Café Osage She told me all about it How she had been so enthralled Totally mesmerized by her Smart Phone It was her life-line Her axis mundi It increased her efficiency It…

For Courtney Barrett

I wrote this a long time ago … From the tears on my cheek It feels like two minutes ago….   First memory: It’s late 1998, I’m sitting outside at McGee’s, a local bar, with…

Marvelous Error!

for all dear friends who are returning, all dear friends who are leaving, and all dear friends who are staying …   Last night, as I was sleeping, I dreamt—marvelous error!— that a spring was…

Tasha and The Book of Mev

I count it as a blessing to  have reconnected with Tasha Morris, who took a Social Justice class with me in spring 2007.  Now finishing her Master’s in Nursing, Tasha sent me the following reflection…