Karma Yoga, with a Shovel

We knew it was coming 6 to 10 inches Dread: The roads will be terrible! Exhilaration: No school! That morning he left his house Shovel in hand He approached one older neighbor With his usual…


Now that you’ve been accepted To the Kennedy School of Government Where you’ll have access To current and future movers and shakers Where there’ll be balanced discussions About “America’s humanitarian role in the world” Where…

One Fine Day

Dear Bella Levenshteyn Would you take a ride with me On 55-South? You pick the exit Anywheresville We’ll find a diner or truck stop Burger King even

The Political is Personal

At  a teach-in on Israel’s blockage on Gaza Henry introduced me to Sylvia She was very involved in the growing Liberate Gaza movement She came from an unusually committed family

Viva Tang

Ten thousand and two texts A thousand and three tweets 644 Facebook status updates 87 cell phone messages save or delete Enough already! Take a deep breath Leave behind the technology And go out To…

Wang Yang-ming

Catch yourself thinking. –Allen Ginsberg The influential neo-Confucian philosopher Wang Yang-ming was influenced by Ch’an Buddhism throughout his life. And not just intellectually: He spent regularly time at Buddhist monasteries. So, it isn’t surprising to…