The Struggle Is One

“In Portuguese, a luta, or in Spanish, la lucha, is the struggle for survival, the struggle to bring about the Reign of God: a piece of bread, a plot of land, a just wage, a…

A Poem by Akiko Yosano

Even at nineteen I knew The violet would fade, The brook would dry up, And life would pass away. Tangled Hair: Selected Tanka from Midaregami trans. Sanford Goldstein and Seishi Shinoda


Sunday 2 December 2012 Thanks to Daisy Frenchwell for helping with raking the yard and making a delicious fruit salad Thanks to the all people who liked today’s photo of a tanned, twenty-year-old Mev in…

You Should Call Me Five Times a Week

To tell me a specific feeling you’re feeling in that present moment wonderful moment To express 1/1,000,000,000th how much you treasure Matt To describe one of those famous Chicago winds To share one Gujarati word…

Message from a Friend

A friend sent me this last night: How beautiful Arabic-translated-to-English is….I can’t remember where I was when I heard this or what it’s from: “I’ve waited to speak with you because you are expensive to…

Tea Meditation

Our Meditation and Mindfulness Sangha meets on the second and fourth Saturdays. This morning, Cristina led us in tea meditation. She read us the following from Thích Nhất Hạnh. You must be completely awake in…