The Only Statement That Counts

for Yoshifugi In 1974 at an amazing conference was held at St. John the Divine Cathedral in New York. Christians and Jews gathered to confront the question, “Auschwitz: Beginning of a New Era?”  Catholic theologians…

The Worthy Dispossessed

This past week saw much coverage and commentary on Israel’s “pull-out” from the Gaza Strip.  It was only a matter of time, I thought, before Elie Wiesel would weigh in on this “historic” occasion. Now…

On Gaza

Dear Jennifer, Thank you for your brilliant piece I found on Counterpunch. I will share it with many friends here in St. Louis and beyond. You tell the truth about the Gaza pullout. I spent…

A Jewish Theology of Liberation

A review of Toward a Jewish Theology of Liberation, 3rd expanded edition, by Marc H. Ellis.  Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2004.  First Published in the Journal of Palestine Studies (2005). At the 60th anniversary…

Prologue: Writing/1

I knew it was coming, but I just kept putting it off. When I was an undergraduate, I suffered from the debilitating condition of not being able to get very far on an assigned composition…

Long Live Hybridity

On Edward Said, Freud and the Non-European Introduction b Christopher Bollas Response by Jacqueline Rose Verso, 2003   In Jacqueline Rose’s eyes, Edward Said’s reading of Freud’s Moses and Monotheism is “[a] political parable, then,…

Dangerous Solidarity

This week, March 24, marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of when El Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero was assassinated while celebrating Mass.  A month before, he had sent a letter to then-president Jimmy Carter, imploring him to…

Joyfully Together

One of the recommendations I have given some of my students who want to move in the direction of a deeper commitment to social justice after university studies is:  Find and nurture a community. Without other…

In Gratitude for Howard Zinn

The other night at the Webster University Film Series, I saw the documentary-tribute: Howard Zinn: You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train. It is an inspirational portrait of a working-class Jewish man who served…