SLU is Tony Albrecht (Law, 2009)
SLU is Josh Aranda (A & S, 2009)
SLU is Laura Aranda (A & S, 2010)
SLU is 783 Facebook friends
SLU is 14 years of life
SLU is 50-something courses I facilitated/animated
SLU is all the surrounding cafés (6 North Coffee, Laclede Coffee, Cafe Ventana, Na-Doz)
SLU is Fr. Biondi
SLU is composed of non-Fr. Biondi elements
SLU is Jesuit
SLU is corporation
SLU is men and women for themselves
SLU is men and women with others
SLU is Randa Kuziez being the first Muslim to be awarded Woman of the Year
SLU is My Name Is Rachel Corrie
SLU is making a splash
SLU is looking good
SLU is doing good
SLU is faculty and student intifada
SLU is the era of Mev as an undergrad, 1981-85
SLU is the Mev Puleo Scholarship
SLU is one long litany of woe
SLU is a thousand haikus of “Ahhhhh…”
SLU is Buddhas, everywhere I look
SLU is beer pong, whatever that is
SLU is SLUCAP, Saturday mornings
SLU is countless Karen House community members & volunteers
SLU is Avis Meyer
SLU is Lainey Trahan
SLU is John Kavanaugh
SLU is Romaytha Abdullah
SLU is Ignatius of Loyola
SLU is Pius XII
SLU is forgetting the Holocaust
SLU is SLU Solidarity with Palestine
SLU is Midnight at the oasis
SLU is School’s out FOREVER
SLU is the many of best people I know
SLU is making the path by walking it
SLU is gracias a la vida
SLU is more than I can write for three straight days on benzedrine
SLU is following Jesus
SLU is putting the gag on Jesus
SLU is worshiping the consumer society
SLU is palsy-walsy with Boeing
SLU is regular dalliances with Monsanto
SLU is trying to change the world
SLU is sweating to maintain the status quo
SLU is falling asleep so as to be successful
SLU is Lindsey Weston coming alive in El Salvador
SLU is Lubna Alam, Student of the Year, 2003
SLU is Lubna Alam speaking before hundreds, antiwar rally December 2002
SLU is Lubna Alam receiving hate emails
SLU is Layla Lavasani puzzled, “Doc, why are you wearing Birkenstocks in January?”
SLU is rock-the-boat March commemoration die-in –four years of Iraq War
SLU is Hans Von Sponeck speaking against sanctions that kill innocent Iraqi children, January 2001
SLU is Ivone Gebara homilizing and perhaps the first person on the altar to name the evil of “neo-liberalism”
SLU is Daniel Berrigan, when asked what he’d been reading, replied, “The Gospels and the poets.”
SLU is Cab Gutting (now Yau) organizing locally against Missouri use of barbaric death penalty
SLU is Kate Heidemann playing violin off West Pine walkway perfect sunny April day
SLU is Tyesha Jones saying at the Bread Company: “I love to make white people uncomfortable”
SLU is weekly meditation on Chouteau with students I never had in class
SLU is just like me, he doesn’t wanna suffer; she just wants to be happy
SLU is Mary Becker and Matt Rysavy serving abroad in Mozambique
SLU is Gail Robinson telling Israeli friend to take my class after I got back from Palestine
SLU is “who in this room has a good friend, a family member, neighbor or co-worker who’s experienced any kind of cancer?” and 40 out of 41 hands go up
SLU is Sara Rendell serving in Haiti (and becoming fluent in Creole)
SLU is Sara Rendell working in Burkina Faso (and becoming fluent in Moore)
SLU is Sarika Gupta leaving behind a future in medicine for a future in development work
begun October 2012; now updated