The Right to Remember

“The right to remember is not among the human rights consecrated by the United Nations, but now more than ever we must insist on it and act on it. Not to repeat the past but…

Reading Galeano

Lindsay Weston recently wrote me Asked if I could recommend anything to read Instantly I thought of the trilogy So long on my shelf Barely perused but Now may be the time! I sent word…


“Who are my contemporaries?” Juan Gelman asks himself.  Juan says that sometimes he comes across [people] who smell of fear, in Buenos Aires, Paris, or anywhere in the world, and feels that these [people] are…

“There’s Just a Meanness in This World”

On Charles Reznikoff, Testimony, v.2 The United States (1885-1915):  Recitative I can’t say I was tremendously impressed with this “broken-up prose” (wife Marie Syrkin’s label). Maybe it’s the dating—it’s way back in US history, and it’s hard…