Reading in Prison

1. At one-hour intervals the night guards paced past every room. Each time I heard the approaching footsteps, I jumped into bed and feigned sleep. And as soon as the guard passed, I got back…

The Future Belongs to South America

Jessie Sandova, From the Monastery to the World: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Ernesto Cardenal (Counterpoint Press, 2017) I had initial high hopes for reading the correspondence of Thomas Merton and Ernesto Cardenal. I started…

Fidel on Che

He had a gift for people. He was one of those people that everyone immediately cares about—it was his naturalness, his simplicity, his sense of comradeship and all his virtues. He was a doctor; he…


When I decided to really buckle down and study, I’d study fifteen or sixteen hours a day. I’d have breakfast, lunch, and dinner with a book in front of me, never taking my eyes off…

Fidel on Che

I view Che, furthermore, as a moral giant who grows day by day, whose image, whose strength, whose influence has multiplied throughout the world. How could he fit below a tombstone? How could he fit…

Jesuit Values

The Jesuits clearly influenced me with their strict organization, their discipline, and their values. [p. 118] I believe that Christ was a great revolutionary. That’s what I believe. His entire doctrine was devoted to the…