Taking Sides

Carol, you posted, “Alas, Mark, must we always ‘Take sides’–or is there a middle way?” You know the Buddha would say there’s a middle way, for sure. You saw what Dom Pedro did, no “ifs,…


Since she took my class in 2007 She’s read The Book of Mev  six times It’s an annual ritual It’s reading as rejuvenation To instill urgency To her flagging spirit


You asked, “Did I ever tell you My reaction when I finished The Book of Mev?” “No. Please do.” “I cried and cried and  cried.”


All those evenings I drove down to Brandeis Avenue To see my great-aunt Leah Salzman Miller 1986-1992 I remember Mev joined me once And took photos of Leah and me Leah was fierce A widow…

On Ferlinghetti’s Americus, I

For Dianne Lee and Lynette D’Amico When I first read Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s Americus,I just before The Book of Mev was published, I was energized by discovering how much it is a mish mash, full of…


Sunday 2 December 2012 Thanks to Daisy Frenchwell for helping with raking the yard and making a delicious fruit salad Thanks to the all people who liked today’s photo of a tanned, twenty-year-old Mev in…