When Life Starts to Improve

Leo Tolstoy, Spiritual Writings, edited by Charles E. Moore Prophetic witness consists of human deeds of justice and kindness that attend to the unjust sources of human hurt and misery. It calls attention to the…


You will have to go on discriminating and make a sustained effort to convince your mind of the fact that japa, meditation, and all other spiritual exercises, have for purpose your awakening. On this pilgrimage…

Andrew Wimmer

Advocate of Whitmanian adhesiveness,  instigator of Stop Torture Now,  critic of power and its minions, exemplar of generosity and hospitality par excellence, Andrew Wimmer has enriched and expanded my life for 25 years. You’ll come…

Ralph Nader

As consumer advocate par excellence, Ralph Nader has improved the quality of life of millions of American citizens. As gadfly of the presumedly immutable two-party system, he has aroused the wrath of the powerful. He…

What Rubem Said to Maria Evelina

Yes, Raquel’s birth was a purifying experience in that it empowered me to say, “this is important,” and the rest becomes blurred.  Her birth re-integrated things in my life. For example, when she was born…

Patisotagāmi and NATO

The following will offer you a different take on Russia, Ukraine, and NATO than you hear in the mainstream media: Russell Brand with Aaron Maté: We Have Been Lied To… [11.5 minutes] Scott Ritter: NATO…