One Day

When you are twenty-seven And at last done Done DONE with medical school We should do a marathon/festival of words Reciting poetry to each other Then writing off of the lines of Neruda, Szymborska And…


She’s spent four years at SLU And is moving on I’ve spent fourteen years at SLU And am moving on We had class together fall 2008 Her tender sophomore year We’ve met ten or twelve…

I Heard

I heard that Lenka is the best correspondent in the Western hemisphere, the kind whom you want to reread twenty times. I heard someone give a phenomenological analysis of a 25 year-old evangelical Marxist’s zeal….

Sara’s Writing down the Bones

One maxim I try to live by is “Share the wealth.” Sara Rendell wrote this on January 14, 2010, the first week of Social Justice class.  Amigas and amigos, may these words set off inspiration,…

Dostoevsky Wrote, “Beauty…

..will save the world” I don’t know about “save” But, yes, beauty & friendship & community & solidarity & loveshine may get us through the next week Hedy Epstein and Sandra Tamari, on the occasion…

Free Palestine/Cairo

Michelle Conley sent me the following while traveling: Picture from a Palestine support rally in Cairo…the police asked where we were from and we said America, but quickly said we supported Palestine. He asked “are…

Annie Boyd: Walking with the Salvadorans

In class we are currently reading Like Grains of Wheat: A Spirituality of Solidarity by Marie Dennis and Margaret Swedish. The authors interview scores of North Americans who had their eyes opened by their relationships with Central…