Words Not Hearable in the US Mainstream

Obama challenged Raúl Castro on Cuba’s human rights record And though Fidel is renowned for his loquacity, Raúl himself could have gone on for hours to Obama— Elaborating on the fact of a million U.S….

Because We Say So

Dear Kelley, I’m delighted that you inquired about where to start with reading Noam Chomsky. I look forward to discussing Hegemony or Survival with you in a  couple  of weeks. Back in 1986—those horrid years…

Dear _____________________

Dear Netanyahu, Thank you. You’ve reminded me of my capacity to experience immense rage. Candidly, Mark Chmiel Dear Frenchwell, Thank you for passing on the wisdom and skill of your Israeli genius-teacher. You practice right…

The Poet’s Work and the War’s Work

1. I first came across the poetry of Dunya Mikhail in Eliot Weinberger’s New Directions anthology, World Beat. An Iraqi Christian who speaks Arabic, Aramaic, and English, Mikhail ran afoul of the Iraqi authorities because of her…

Upon the Death of Chavez

Upon the death of Hugo Chavez President Obama said: “As Venezuela begins a new chapter in its history, The United States remains committed To policies that promote democratic principles, The rule of law, and respect…

The Right of Jim Crow to Defend Itself

“We do not believe the flotilla is a necessary or useful effort to try to assist the people of Gaza,” [Hilary] Clinton told reporters at a news conference with the visiting foreign minister of the…

The Mere Gook and Haji Rule

Under reviewDeborah Nelson, The War Behind Me: Vietnam Veterans Confront the Truth about U.S. War Crimes—Inside the Army’s Secret Archive of Investigations (New York: Basic Books, 2008) and Chris Hedges and Laila al-Arian, Collateral Damage:…

On Reciprocity and Responsibility

My friend Laura Weis (who is currently working in Indonesia) sent me the following excerpts from a piece by Glenn Greenwald. A while back, an Israeli friend of mine asked me, “Why should you care…