Not So Random Entries, Commonplace Moleskine/10

111.  Sin is not a distance, it is a turning of our gaze in the wrong direction.
–Simone Weil

222.  When [Arthur Waley] was at work, all else was eliminated.
–Ivan Morris

333.  Whenever I was in love I always felt there was a telegraphic esprit between the person and me.
–Isaac Bashevis Singer

444. … if, at my death, my executors, or more properly my creditors, find any precious MSS in my desk, then here I proscriptively ascribe all the honor and all the glory to whaling; for a whale-ship was my Yale College and my Harvard.
–Herman Melville

555. I am never done caring for the other.
–Emmanuel Levinas

666. My idea of the ideal text is still the Talmud. I love the idea of parallel texts, with long, discursive footnotes and marginal commentary, texts commenting on texts.
–Noam Chomsky

777. “Poor men! Lords of the Argives, O my captains!
How doomed you are, look–far from your loved ones
and native land–to glut with your shining fat
the wild dogs of battle here in Troy. . .”

888. Tout le monde se plaint de sa mémoire, et personne ne se plaint de son jugement.
–François de La Rochefoucauld

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