Word of the Day
Word of the day, via Abbie Amico: In the Filipino language of Tagalog, there exists a word by the name of Kapwa. Literally translated it means “I’m not me without you” but as with other…
Word of the day, via Abbie Amico: In the Filipino language of Tagalog, there exists a word by the name of Kapwa. Literally translated it means “I’m not me without you” but as with other…
I am connected to Lindsay We are really into our notebooks I am connected to Sarah When she was my 18 year-old student I was her 39 year-old prof I am connected to Jane We’re…
For many years, four women from different parts of the world have been meeting several times a month to read and discuss classic texts from the religions of their childhoods: Jain and Hinduism from India,…
Magan studied Social Justice with me in 2004; did theater work with refugee kids through Center for Survivors of Torture and War Trauma as well as Playback Theater; worked with ISM in Palestine in 2006;…
Happy when Amazon.com doesn’t faze me Happy shutting up Happy patiently watering the impatiens Happy to be Joanie’s Feldenkrais student Happy to enjoy I’m Not Bossy, I’m the Boss
Cami will share her reflections on her five months in Cape Town this past spring, and offer tales of one college student’s adventures wandering, exploring, and discovering. Woven through memories of bungee jumping, teaching preschool, meeting…
How does one make the decision to leave one’s home country for almost a decade and set up home in a new land? What type of experiences are gained as a minority twice-over? After spending…
As my airplane sliced the sky over the Atlantic Ocean heading from Burkina Faso to the US of A, I asked myself two questions: How has West Africa changed me? And, how will medical school change me? Looking…
Mark, I’ve been ruminating on your last email. There are a few things that come to mind really strongly when you asked that question, “what is important and what am I responsible for?” The…
Sister Jean Abbott will share with us about her most recent trip to Uganda to work with people who were traumatized during the country’s civil war. She’ll give us historical background and perspectives on the…